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VIRAL: Dan Bilzerian STUNS Piers Morgan in Interview on Israel and Palestine (VIDEO)

Piers Morgan: "Do you even comprehend how this interview is going to play out when it airs?" Dan: "I'm sure it will be bad... But I believe that is the truth."

dan Bilzerian piers morgan interview judaism israel palestine

Piers Morgan interviewed Dan Bilzerian on his show Piers Morgan Uncensored on Tuesday night (Nov. 12) where they discussed the ongoing war between Israel and Palestine – but things quickly took an unexpected turn.

Morgan was left stunned after Blizerian shared his candid opinion on Israel and Judaism. "I'm staggered about how brazen you've been!" said Morgan, visibly shocked, "Do you even comprehend how this interview is going to play out when it airs?"

In one viral clip shared by Dan Bilzerian, he criticised Israel for its treatment of Christians, the "gang-raping" of Palestinian prisoners, and he questioned the claim that the Jewish people are the Chosen people. "We've been programmed that Jews are the chosen people, and I just disagree with that," Dan said, "I think everyone is equal."

You can watch this interaction below.

But that's not all. The interview took an interesting turn when Bilzerian started to attack some of the "things" he had discovered in the Talmud (the book containing Jewish ceremonial law and legend).

Dan said he was "horrified" to learn that, "they [Jews] think Jesus is burning in [excrement], they think Virgin Mary is a [prostitute], they think it's okay to steal from gentiles, there are two sets of justice [for Jews and Gentiles]..."

Blizerian also blamed Jewish people for transgenderism, controlling the media, and pushing DEI practices.

Piers was lost for words, but instead of pushing back, he responded to the criticisms by calling Dan an antisemite. "Dan, do you accept that you are just blatantly antisemitic?"

Watch the clip below.

In another clip shared on X, Dan Bilzerian even questioned the number of Jewish people killed in WWII. "They said it was four million that died in Auschwitz, and then they said it was down to one million [...] I'd be my entire net worth that it was under six million."

Piers Morgan responded, "I'm sorry, but I find that unbelievably offensive - and I'm not even Jewish." Watch the interaction, below.

Dan Bilzerian also stated, "I believe that Jewish supremacy is the greatest threat to America [and] to the world today." An opinion he has voiced several times on X.

When asked by Piers about how he think the public response will be to the interview, Dan said, "Yeah, I'm sure it will be bad... But I believe that is the truth."

These clips have been viewed millions of times on X and the comments have mostly surprisingly positive in favour of Bilzerian. RoofTop KRN commented on Pier Morgans X post, "Why don't you try to refute anything? You just get offended like a little girl?"

Another user, Ryan Dawson, commented, "You wanted him to say it and knew he would, because you don't have the balls to do it. That's why you had him on. Israel is a terrorists state that legalised rape and murder of the goy."

Piers Morgan did receive some backlash for platforming Bilzerian, most notably from Michael Rapaport who said:

But Piers was quick to fire back, calling Rapaport a "little man" and inviting him on the show. You can read the full exchange below.

Watch Elijah Schaffer's breakdown of the story Below:

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