Ivermectin is often recognized–2nd to penicillin–for having the greatest impact on human health. Its discovery even won the Nobel Prize.
But the propagandists told you it was an “ineffective horse dewormer.”
Out of 43 effective medicines for COVID, the ones approved had something in common: They were all outrageously expensive, in the many hundreds, if not, thousands of dollars.
Dr. Pierre Kory testified:
“As of today, there have been 420 controlled trials studying hydroxychloroquine in Covid. That includes over half a million patients with ivermectin. There have been 100 controlled trials with over 225,000 patients.
“And summary analyses of these evidence bases all show large magnitude, statistically significant benefits in all important outcomes.
“Yet in this country, ivermectin is considered an ineffective horse dewormer, and hydroxychloroquine, the drug of fringe quack, right-wing anti-vaxxers.”
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