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“Full of Sh*t”: Megyn Kelly Torches Rachel Maddow Over Shocking MSNBC ‘Racism’ Meltdown

This is glorious.

This article originally appeared on m o d e r n i t y and was republished with permission.

Guest post by @ModernityNews

Megyn Kelly unleashed a verbal battering on MSNBC crybaby Rachel Maddow, accusing the “sanctimonious” host of smearing her own network with baseless racism claims following the long-overdue firing of Joy Reid, ironically the most racist person on the network.

Maddow used her Monday night slot to bash the MSNBC’s decision to axe Reid, a move Kelly described as a mercy kill for a network already haemorrhaging credibility faster than a B-movie loses the plot.

Kelly ripped into Maddow on her SiriusXM show Tuesday, calling her out on the hypocritical, self-righteous tirade.

“She oozes sanctimony and self-righteousness,” Kelly sneered, pointing to Maddow’s on-air rant where she painted MSNBC’s leadership as bigots for cutting Reid and other nonwhite hosts like Alex Wagner and Katie Phang.

“She took her bosses’ faces and rubbed them in shit last night,” Kelly added with disgust.

Maddow’s Monday monologue was a masterclass in performative outrage, as she whined “It is unnerving to see that on a network where we’ve got two—count them, two—nonwhite hosts in primetime, both of our nonwhite hosts in primetime are losing their shows.”

“That feels indefensible. And I do not defend it.” She even sobbed over the “dozens of producers and staffers” facing layoffs, conveniently leaving aside the fact that her own $25 million-a-year paycheck might have something to do with the budget cuts she’s so torn up about.

Maddow decided to play woke martyr, slamming the cuts as a diversity disaster while ignoring the real issue: nobody’s watching.

Kelly wasn’t having it, declaring that Maddow is “full of shit.”

“If you’re really so disgusted with the ‘racism’ over at MSNBC, why do you want to work there? Put your money where your mouth is—walk away with your $25 million salary,” Kelly further urged.

Kelly’s not wrong when she says Maddow’s the architect of MSNBC’s downfall. “You destroyed the credibility of the entire network,” she charged, pointing to Maddow’s years-long obsession with the Russia collusion hoax—a conspiracy she peddled with the zeal of a televangelist, only to never apologise when it collapsed.

“You’re the biggest conspiracy theorist on television,” Kelly proclaimed, noting that the receipts are there for anyone who has had to endure Maddow’s smug lectures over the past decade.

Kelly added that while Maddow “should be fired for insubordination and disparaging the network publicly,” MSNBC’s execs are too spineless to touch her.

“They won’t fire her because they’re a bunch of pussies,” Kelly further emphasised, predicting that the network doesn’t have the “testicular fortitude” to clap back at the rogue anchor.

As we earlier highlighted, Reid’s exit has sparked a separate feud, with fired CNN loser Don Lemon telling Kelly to “go fuck yourself” for celebrating the cancellation. MSNBC is a dumpster fire circus, and Kelly is playing ringmaster, gleefully exposing the clownery.

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