Marla Rose releases the video of Nick Fuentes pepper spraying her.
— KaizerRev (@Kaizerrev) November 12, 2024
Doxxing, which is the sharing of personal information (often online) with the intent to harm another person, is illegal in Illinois thanks to a new law 740 ILCS 195/ better known as the Civil Liability Doxing Act (CLDA). However, the law wasn't enough to stop self-described far-left "Jewish feminist" activist, Marla Rose, from violating the CLDA in an attempt to intimidate and harass a popular podcast host named Nicholas J. Fuentes at his home in Chicago, Illinois over a political disagreement.
After getting pepper sprayed during the provocation at Fuentes' home, which she voluntarily instigated, she decided to press charges. But will this legal battle against Nick Fuentes succeed in court? Let's discuss the details:

First, we need to dive into what doxing is and why it's so illegal, specifically in the state of Illinois. Section 10(a) of the Civil Liability Doxing Act states that:

Since it's clear that doxxing is not only culturally immoral, anti-American, and generally frowned upon behavior both online and in the real world. It's important that we cover the crucial details of this altercation between far left activist, Marla Rose, and America First commentator, Nicholas J. Fuentes outside his home in a Chicago suburb.
Who is Marla Rose? Well, online she's a self-described feminist activist who is pro-abortion (pictured below).

She was incredibly upset at a recent video of Nick Fuentes joking about women's rights after Kamala Harris lost the 2024 election. In an infamous clip he states "Your body, my choice" while celebrating the victory of Donald Trump on election night. The clip quickly went viral and began circulating in left wing algorithms on TikTok, serving as a way for left wing activists to feel justified in their accusations that Republicans are all radical misogynists.
This video has become an internet sensation, obtaining more views on X (formerly Twitter) than Kamala Harris received votes from the American electorate.

While the statement was edgy and a bit provocative, most viewers could easily see through the entertainment smokescreen and didn't make much of it. However, as it began circulating through left wing algorithms. Some users located Nick Fuentes's home address and began posting it online. Social media companies did little to nothing about the online abuse that violated locals laws in Illinois and violated almost ever social media platform's TOS, including on Instagram, Facebook, and X. Users were celebrating the criminal doxxing with posts garnering millions of views themselves.

However, it didn't appear that the doxxing would result in anything beyond internet harassment. While still grotesque and un-American at heart, it appeared everything was dying down around the trending quote from Fuentes, which had found it's way onto a TikTok song on post-election reaction videos of young liberal women crying, some of which gained tens of millions of views. But not everyone lives perpetually online.
Marla Rose (though not young or attractive like the girls on TikTok) wrote on facebook that she had obtained Nick's home address and contemplated "doing something" about it (please read the entire tweet below in full detail to understand her perspective).

While reporting on her altercation with Nick Fuentes, it is apparent by her dehumanizing choice of words that she arrived at his house with what could be considered nothing less than nefarious intentions.
Calling someone a "Neo-Nazi, white supremacist....[and] misogynist" while describing yourself as a "Jewish feminist" can only mean one thing: she sees him as an enemy. Choosing dehumanizing language such as this during a time when Fuentes's personal information was being spread around online with relentless death threats from people that belong to her political ideology, this can be considered nothing less than doxxing with the intent to harm someone based on their opposing political ideology. This is a direct violation of section 10(a, 2, i) which defines posting such information to cause emotional distress to the victim is illegal.
She was in clear violation of the Civil Liability Doxing Act. However, Marla Rose wasn't happy about being met with a defensive act from Fuentes while intentionally trying to cause him emotional distress. It's no surprise that this Jewish feminist activist then tried to play victim after her flagrant violation of civil law, claiming she was going to press charges after the incident she provoked. However, it appears many in the general public, including popular commentator Candace Owens were on his side after hearing the details:

Funny enough, even the EMT that treated her at the scene for her alleged injuries were on Nick's side, citing commons sense (you can see her post below).

Even the police appear to be taking Fuentes's side in the matter, implying that she provoked the altercation and would be liable for inciting the incident on his private property. She should be thankful she didn't do this in a stand your ground state, such as Florida, Texas or Tennessee where the consequences would have been much more severe than burning eyes and a few bruises from falling, being that she is quite obese and the fall would likely have been pretty severe due to her personal disregard for physical health.
In the end, time will tell what charges Marla presses against Nick or if she even decides to press charges at all. We know Chicago is a far-left city and perhaps she sees how heroes like Daniel Penney have been treated and is hoping for similar sympathy due to her protected Jewish status and Nick's past comments about Jewish influence in American politics.
However, one can only hope that a jury would see the events the same way the EMT and police did: as just another stupid far-leftist who bit off more than she could chew. For now, the whole event has become a permanent meme and will go down in history as another win for the right wing movement whether you like Nick Fuentes or think he's the worst person on earth. Nobody deserves to be accosted at their home that way over an internet joke. The right to free speech and to protect your own property from those who seek to do harm is both an American right and a lawful defense of the CLDA.

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