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DEVASTATING: OnlyFans Star Breaks Down After Sleeping With 100 Men in 24 Hours

The event lasted 14 hours and required the 23-year-old to have intercourse with 15 men per hour, each participant was allotted five minutes.

onlyfans adult star sleeps with 100 men in 24 hours

A 23-year-old English Adult Star has made headlines after sleeping with 100 of her fans in 24-hours. Now she wants to be the first person to sleep with 1,000 men in one day.

The event lasted 14 hours and required the 23-year-old to sleep have intercourse with 15 men per hour, each participant was allotted five minutes.

While the Adult Star might seem proud of her vulgar antics and now aims to bed 1,000 men in a day, new footage by YouTuber Josh Pieters, shows the devastating aftermath for the Adult Star.

In the documentary, she is seen crying and overwhelmed with emotion following the event. Many people commented that she looked "soul-less" and "traumatised." This type of behaviour is sure to wreak havoc on a person's soul, however empowered may believe themselves to be.

In an interview with the filmmaker, the woman described "disassociating" and feeling like a prostitute. The mind tends to disassociate to protect itself from trauma, this is commonly happens to victims of rape and sexual violence.

The saddest part is that without the behind-the-scenes footage that was released, most people would believe the woman in question to be totally unbothered by the situation, since on her social media presents a different story. She is boasting about it and already planning for her next event with 1,000 men.

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