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Rob Schneider Reveals TV Doctor’s Shocking ‘Anti-Vax’ Admission

The CDC doesn’t want you to hear this conversation.

In an eye-opening conversation that cut straight to the issue, comedian Rob Schneider and Tucker Carlson discussed a topic many are too afraid to even whisper: vaccines.

Schneider raised a pivotal moment from over a decade ago, around the time he and his wife were preparing for the arrival of their first child, when he had a jaw-dropping conversation with a TV doctor that he’ll never forget.


ROB SCHNEIDER: “What shots did you give the baby?”

TV DOCTOR: “None.”


TV DOCTOR: “Yeah, they’re too small to absorb those toxins right now. They don’t have an immune system. They have an external immune system: Their mother’s breast milk.”

ROB SCHNEIDER: “Well, why do you tell other people to get it?”

TV DOCTOR: “That’s up to them.”

Looking back at the conversation, Schneider scoffed at the “That’s up to them” remark, noting that these shots are often required for kids to attend public school.

72 Doses

Image: Shutterstock/Tunedin by Westend61

The conversation quickly pivoted to the alarming increase in the number of vaccinations children are now required to take. “When we went to school, it was three shots. Now it’s staggering—72 different doses,” Schneider lamented.

He pointed out the disturbing correlation between this uptick in vaccinations and the rising number of health issues among children, a topic that is often brushed aside as mere coincidence.


Carlson chimed in with a sobering observation: “You can say anything on YouTube—you can call for the overthrow of the government, you can advocate for transgender nuns—but you can’t use the ‘V’ word.”

Schneider took the conversation further, pointing out the 1986 law where Congress labeled vaccines as “unavoidably” unsafe. This designation protected pharmaceutical companies from liability, shifting the burden of vaccine risks onto the public while companies reaped the profits.

“If you can’t choose to avoid risks, then you don’t have freedom at all,” Schneider stressed. “Then you’re a slave,” Carlson added. “Someone owns your body and can make you hurt yourself.”

Listen to the full interview:

