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SCAM: Tech Bro Discovers REAL Recycling Practices After Putting AirTag in Plastic Container

"A few weeks ago, I taped an AirTag inside an empty plastic yogurt container. I then put it in the plastic recycling garbage container in my neighborhood"

recycling plastics is a waste of time, only 9% of plastics are recycled

The majority of plastic waste that goes into the recycling bins gets dumped in a landfill or burnt.

This fact was demonstrated recently in a post on 𝕏, where tech entrepreneur, Peter Levels, tracked his recycling rubbish using an AirTag.

"I wanted to see if it would actually get recycled" he wrote, "So a few weeks ago, I taped an AirTag inside an empty plastic yogurt container. I then put it in the plastic recycling garbage container in my neighborhood"

What the entrepreneur found was that his recycling ended up in a mixed garbage facility, which burns rubbish to produce energy. The plastic from the recycling was not sent to a plastic specific facility to be repurposed as so many of us have been led to believe.

He documented the results in a post which you can see below, and commented on this surprising revelation, "The entire world doesn't really recycle plastic and we've all been lied to for decades. Only about 9% of plastic is recycled. 55% of plastic is dumped in a landfill (literally just buried) 25% or more is just burnt."

"It's all burnt to produce energy, which is fine but then why waste millions of hours of people's time by asking them to separate garbage?" says Levels.

Levels was in Portugal at the time but suggested that the same thing happens all over the world, claiming "only 9%" actually gets recycled, a point which the UN and MIT also acknowledge.

"The point being you can separate everything like a good citizen, it just ends up on the same pile anyway," wrote Levels.

Many green policies are similar in nature – nice in theory but impractical and inefficient, and generally causing more problems and waste. Another example experts point to is the wind farms, which require costly maintenance, devastate wildlife, and are made from materials that are not recyclable.

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