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Conservative Civil War Erupts Over Andrew Tate’s Arrival in Florida

After years of legal battles in Romania, Andrew and Tristan Tate arrive in the U.S., and the conservative establishment is already calling for their heads.

andrew tate tristan tate arrive in florida

Andrew and Tristan Tate arrived in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on Thursday (Feb. 29) via private jet after their travel ban was lifted — thanks, in part, to pressure from the Trump White House.

Because of their ongoing trial in Romania, the Tates have had their travel freedoms restricted for the past two years, dating back to December 2022. There’s now speculation that the brothers might remain in the United States permanently and avoid returning to Romania altogether.

Surprisingly, their arrival has sparked mixed reactions from conservative pundits. It’s no secret that many commentators take issue with the Tates — both because of the accusations against them and the influence they hold — but the lock-step outrage coming from certain corners feels oddly manufactured, maybe even orchestrated.

The Ben Shapiro-aligned conservative coalition immediately labeled the Tates "sex traffickers" and "rapists," arguing that America — and conservatives — don’t need men like them in their ranks.

Ben Shapiro specifically called them out for their pro-Palestinian stance and their involvement in the adult entertainment business. Joel Berry posted a picture of the brothers with the caption, "Looks like Trump made an exception to his 'no rapists and sex traffickers crossing the border' policy."

Jeremy Boring chimed in, claiming "Andrew Tate is the enemy of any traditional American conservatism." Even Megyn Kelly weighed in, criticizing the Tampa Bay Young Republicans for their warm welcome to Andrew Tate. She wrote, "You’ve lost your way, boys."

Even Florida Governor Ron DeSantis took the opportunity to speak out, saying in a press conference that the Tates were not welcome in Florida after news broke of their arrival.

Now, let’s be honest — the Tate brothers have a sketchy past, and there are plenty of legitimate criticisms to be made about their behavior and business ventures. But that doesn’t really seem to be what’s driving this latest wave of outrage.

The reality is, Andrew Tate is far more popular than his critics — especially on the conservative side of the aisle. He holds far more influence over younger generations than the Ben Shapiro types could ever dream of. Beyond that, the Tates hold several positions that run directly counter to mainstream conservative orthodoxy — from their pro-Palestinian stance to their criticisms of Israel and the war in Ukraine.

Many of the negative posts attacking the Tates come from Zionist, pro-Israel accounts. A fact that gives the impression that the outrage has little to do with the allegations and more to do with foreign influence.

It’s also a bit strange how many of these conservative commentators seemed quietly hopeful that the Tates would end up rotting in a Romanian prison — the product of an obviously corrupt prosecution. Now that they’ve shown up in the U.S., these same people can’t hide their disappointment.

This behavior isn’t all that different from what we see from left-wing progressives — manufacturing false allegations against controversial figures, using lawfare to try and destroy them, not because of any real principle, but simply because they don’t like them. It’s dishonest. And beyond that, it makes them seem inauthentic, petty, and opportunistic.

Another argument floating around is that the Tates somehow pose a threat to American conservatism itself. This is coming from the exact same people who have spent the last decade welcoming gays, porn stars, and "gender-nonconforming" types into their supposed big-tent coalition of "conservatives."

Conservatism is dead, and has been for a long time—long before the Tates came on the scene. It died when the right wing, so desperate for left-wing approval, welcomed anyone and everyone who mildly agreed with their point of view.

Maybe the Tates shouldn’t be part of the conservative movement — that’s a fair conversation to have. Maybe what we actually need are upright Christian individuals who genuinely represent traditional American values. But if that’s the standard, it would mean clearing house — starting with the Zionists, the Instagram whores, the gay influencers, and the reformed liberals like Dave Rubin and Jordan Peterson. That level of consistency has been completely absent from the movement for the past decade.

