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STOLEN VALOR?! Tim Kennedy Responds to Allegations That he Embellished Stories in New Book

Veterans comment on Tim Kennedy's new book and allege Kennedy embellished stories to make himself look bigger than he was.

tim kennedy

Former UFC fighter and veteran, Tim Kennedy, has come under fire for allegedly 'embellishing' war stories in his new book Scars and Stripes.

Former Green Berets, Delta Force & Navy SEAL veterans released a controversial podcast on Sunday (Dec 1) discussing Tim Kennedy's new book and alleging Kennedy embellished stories to make himself look bigger than he was.

On the podcast, the hosts mentioned a number of claims made by Kennedy that did not add up, according to them. One claim made by Kennedy was that he was injured by shrapnel.

The hosts from Valhalla VFT pulled Kennedy's DD-214, a document that summarises a military member's active service, which did not have any evidence of these injuries or a Purple Heart medal which, the host argues, would be present if Kennedy had received those injuries.

The hosts used the DD-214 as evidence that Kennedy was being dishonest about this story and suggested he was claiming stolen valor.

Tim Kennedy, in a response video posted on X, responded to the Purple Heart allegations, saying, "It's insane that you're using a 2011 DD-214 as your document of truth, it's thirteen-years-old now." He then goes on to say, "One of the things that wasn't on that DD-214 was a Purple Heart." Kennedy then suggests that people watch old UFC fights to see for themselves the scarring on his back and neck.

Some of the other claims from Tim Kennedy in his new book: hip firing a sniper rifle, carrying around 50 grenades, and Green Berets being burned alive.

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