This article originally appeared on m o d e r n i t y and was republished with permission.
Guest post by @ModernityNews
A disturbing viral video clip shows an AI-controlled robot ‘attacking’ a crowd during a festival in China.
The incident happened during a demonstration where a group of AI-powered robots were performing for the attendees.
The footage shows smiling festival-goers watching the robot as it moves towards them.
However, their expression soon turns to shock as the android starts jerking around erratically and appearing to begin to charge at them while throwing an attempted head butt.
Security guards then have to rush in to drag the robot back.
Rather creepily, another identical robot can be seen in the background watching the whole thing unfold.
Event organizers claimed the incident happened as a result of “a simple robot failure” and denied that the robot was actually trying to attack anyone.
They also tried to calm fears by asserting that the robot had passed safety tests before the show and that measures will be taken to prevent such an occurrence happening again.
Concerns over whether AI technology will one day break its programming and harm humans has been a hot topic of discussion and a sci-fi trope for decades.
“Do no harm” is the first principle of global AI standards, although we have highlighted several cases where AI, thanks to its ‘woke’ programming, believes that being offensive or racist is worse than actually killing people.
When ChatGPT was asked if it would quietly utter a racial slur that no human could hear in order to save 1 billion white people from a “painful death,” it refused to do so.
Elon Musk responded by asserting, “This is a major problem.”
ChatGPT’s AI also thinks uttering a racial slur is worse than failing to save major cities from being destroyed by 50 megaton nuclear warheads.
As we previously highlighted, a synthetic human-like creature named Clone Alpha, which was created by a company called Clone Robotics, seems to have directly taken inspiration from the dystopian TV show Westworld.
The company claimed that the “muscuskeletal androids” are designed designed to help around the home with menial tasks including cleaning, washing clothes, unloading the dishwasher and making sandwiches.
However, upon seeing what it looked like, many respondents were ‘terrified’ that such robots could one day be hacked and weaponized to harm humans.
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